Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Course Reflection: What do Designers Do?

We were asked the question, what do designers do? The answer the class came up with was designers create and provide solutions to problems through use of a systematic process. I think this is a pretty accurate statement. But I also think this is a pretty general statement since there are many types of designers. Just to name a couple, you have industrial designers who are more product related, you also have interior space designers who are more concentrated on the looks and functions of interior spaces, you also have visual designers who are more concentrated with graphics with multimedia, you also have architects who design exterior spaces and looks of buildings, etc. So design is everywhere and so it is hard to come up with an exact definition. One general rule all designers no matter of what is that the form should always follow function. If you don't go by this room then someone is going to have to design your design because it wouldn't be practical or functional to say the least.

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